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Navigation: Dokom 3.5

Upgrade Notices

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Dokom 3.5 Upgrade Notices

Upgrading Dokom CS from version 3.0 (3.1) to version 3.5

Dokom 3.5 can be used on the same computer together with previous versions 3.0 (3.1).

Dokom 3.5 and Dokom 3.0 (3.1) are two different products. After installing version 3.5 you have to copy your database (s)

from previous versions. This is not done by installation program. It also means that you can use one database with previous version and also with version 3.5. But you cannot copy database from version 3.5 back to previous versions.

We recommend to follow these steps when upgrading:

- Install version 3.5.

- Copy database (s) from previous version to version 3.5 (see next paragraph).

- Use ONLY version 3.5 for several days to test that everything works fine.

- Uninstall previous version.


Recommended steps to COPY the database

Recommended steps to COPY the database (s) from the versions 3.0 (3.1) to version 3.5:

- Stop all Dokom programs.

- Run previous version of Dokom CS Configuration e.g.

- Back up the database. Please back up the database into special temporary folder e.g. C:\temp\backup01

- Stop previous version of Dokom CS.

- Run Dokom CS Configuration version 3.5.

- Restore the backup file. Please restore the database into version 3.5 database folder, which is different from previous version database folder.



Dokom CS version 3.0 (3.1) usually stores the databases in the folder like

C:\Program Files\Dokom Collecting Station 3\data

Dokom CS version 3.5 usually stores its databases in folders like

C:\Program Files\Dokom Collecting Station 3.5\data
